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Category : MyStoreApp

I made a mistake in the visit schedule and I want to delete it. Is there any way to do so?

You cannot delete it from the admin panel.  Please delete it from the ...

Visiting History

I can’t seem to issue any stamps.

Stamps may take as much as 4-5 minutes to be issued, but it will also ...


If I change the number of stamps through Beacon, when will it take effect?

The setting for stamps is checked once a day at midnight, so your chan ...


How do I set the time for Beacon to be used?

You can set any time from 00:00 to 23:59.  However, it is still not po ...


Is the Beacon device for sale or for rent?

Beacon devices must be purchased.


I’ve already introduced the app to my customers. Can I still add the Beacon feature?

It will require a fee, but it's still possible.  For more details, ple ...


Can I increase or decrease the types of user attributes that are collected?

Due to specification limitations, changing attribute types is not poss ...

Application Management

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