At for WordPress, backup and restore function are available as a standard features. For backup, there is an automatic backup that is done daily, as well as manual backup which you can execute whenever you need.
You can create a snapshot at the point by clicking [Backup] button. Snapshot data will not be stored on local PC drives.
You can restore your WordPress site to the snapshot by clicking on the restore button with the backup file you want to perform a restore from.
[Create an Archive]
Export a backup data to Zip file, and save it to your server directory.
When Zip file operation is completed, the path of the relevant directory will appear.
Then access by SMTP, and download the Zip file to your local drive.
Zip file will be kept for 3 days and deleted automatically thereafter.
Snapshot data clients have made backup manually will be kept until the clients delete it.
Zip file requires a space in client’s directory, so please delete snapshot data and zip files no longer needed.
Auto-backup will be performed at 1 AM every day automatically. Stored backup data will be kept for 14 generations, and deleted automatically from the oldest.