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What To Do on the Original Host

Before transfer the data, please follow the steps as follows:

1. Store the WordPress content file data locally.
1) Connect to the original host by FTP soft(e.g. FFFTP), download all of the files including “wp-content” to your desktop.

2. Store the backup data from the databse locally.
1) Log in to phpMyAdmin, select the WordPress database you want to transfer.
※You can confirm the account information to access the database and the database name from the WordPress configuration file “wp-config.php.”

2) Click on [Export] at the top of the page, complete the advanced settings, and then click [Execute].
Select all the tables having suffix at “table_prefix” under “wp-config.php.”
Check [Save]At the bottom of the page.

3) The sql file will be downloaded.
You are required to rewrite the database file in the case below.
※If the domains are different between the original server and new server.
※If the path from root directory to document root is different between the original server and new server.

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